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7 diciembre, 2016 @ 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Charla Invitado Internacional – 7 de diciembre 2016
Abstract: Although it is well established that human reasoning is often biased by fast intuitive heuristics, recent studies on conflict detection during thinking suggest that adult reasoners detect the biased nature of their judgments. Despite their illogical response, adults seem to demonstrate a remarkable sensitivity to possible conflict between their initial heuristic judgment and logical or probabilistic norms. In this talk I review the core findings and point to key implications for the popular dual system framework of human thinking.
Profesor invitado: Wim De Neys, CNRS, Paris Descartes University, France
Fecha: miércoles 7 de diciembre de 14 a 16,30hs.
Lugar: Presidente Errázuriz 3485, Las Condes – Sala CAP
Organiza: Centro de Neurociencia Social y Cognitiva (CSCN) – FONDECYT Regular. Proyecto # 1150824
Actividad gratuita. Inscripción previa: cscn@uai.cl *La charla se realizará en inglés
Wim De Neys ha publicado alrededor de 76 papers y capítulos libros. Su trabajo se ha publicado en revistas científicas de alto factor de impacto (más de 2600 citas, h-index = 26). Ha realizado trabajos post doctorales en prestigiosas instituciones como University of California Santa Barbara, USA; York University Toronto, Canada; University of Leuven, Belgium. En el 2009, obtuvo su cargo de investigador en el French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Selected publications
Bago, B., & De Neys, W. (2017). Fast logic?: Examining the time course assumption of dual process theory. Cognition, 158, 90-109.
De Neys, W., & Bonnefon, J. F . (2013). The whys and whens of individual differences in thinking biases. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17, 172-178.
De Neys, W. (2012). Bias and conflict: A case for logical intuitions. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7, 28-38.
De Neys, W., Vartanian, O., & Goel, V. (2008). Smarter than we think: When our brains detect that we are biased. Psychological Science, 19, 483-489.
De Neys, W. (2006). Dual processing in reasoning: Two systems but one reasoner. Psychological Science, 17, 428-433.
See www.wdeneys.org for a full publication list and research profile