Publicaciones > The Experimental Phenomenological Method: A Scientific Approach Closer to the 5E Approach

The Experimental Phenomenological Method: A Scientific Approach Closer to the 5E Approach

Martínez-Pernía, David. The Experimental Phenomenological Method: A Scientific Approach Closer to the 5E Approach. Constructivist Foundations. https://constructivist.info/17/2/148.martinez-pernia

30 de Marzo 2022


Open peer commentary on the article “Kaleidoscope of Pain: What and How Do You See Through It” by Maja Smrdu. Abstract: I argue that a research method solely focused on subjective experience (phenomenological method) provides scarce scientific evidence to evaluate its support for the 5E theory. Instead, I suggest the experimental phenomenological method, which integrates the scientific study of human subjectivity and research procedures based on experimental psychology.