Publicaciones > Brain health INnovation Diplomacy: a model binding diverse disciplines to manage the promise and perils of technological innovation.

Brain health INnovation Diplomacy: a model binding diverse disciplines to manage the promise and perils of technological innovation.

Ternes K, Iyengar V, Lavretsky H, Dawson WD, Booi L, Ibanez A, Vahia I, Reynolds C, DeKosky S, Cummings J, Miller B, Perissinotto C, Kaye J, Eyre HA. Brain health INnovation Diplomacy: a model binding diverse disciplines to manage the promise and perils of technological innovation. Int Psychogeriatr. 2020 Feb 5;1-25. doi:10.1017/S1041610219002266.

18 de febrero 2020


Brain health diplomacy aims to influence the global policy environment for brain health (i.e. dementia, depression, and other mind/brain disorders) and bridges the disciplines of global brain health, international affairs, management, law, and economics. Determinants of brain health include educational attainment, diet, access to health care, physical activity, social support, and environmental exposures, as well as chronic brain disorders and treatment. Global challenges associated with these determinants include large-scale conflicts and consequent mass migration, chemical contaminants, air quality, socioeconomic status, climate change, and global population aging. Given the rapidly advancing technological innovations impacting brain health, it is paramount to optimize the benefits and mitigate the drawbacks of such technologies.